In a small town like Healdsburg, posters are a great way to promote an event: everyone sees them. I designed many posters for Topel Winery which doubled as content for social media. The Topels are dog-loving people and their annual Dogtober party was always a big success. The humorous headlines, copy and PR were written … Read More
Healdsburg Jazz Festival
A blind contour drawing created by the talented artist and jazz aficionado, Bonnie Boren, lends sophistication to this poster for the Healdsburg Jazz Festival. Boren often drew at the Blue Note during her years in New York. This style of drawing is created in a single continuous motion while listening to live jazz, without looking … Read More
Music in the Vineyards
Music in the Vineyards is a summer chamber music festival performed in intimate winery settings. In 2020 all performances for Music in the Vineyards went online. I created motion graphics and credits for each performance using Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects and Audition. This above video is one of several clips I created last year. … Read More
Winterblast and the SOFA arts neighborhood
Drawing several thousand people each year, Winterblast is promoted with posters, social media and word of mouth. A poor-man’s-Mardi-Gras with street vendors, bands, artists, performers and local color — Winterblast is an annual street festival in Santa Rosa’s SOFA arts neighborhood. This poster showcases the talents of photographer, Collin Morrow. Thank you to Clone … Read More